How to Configure IPv6

This tutorial is about how to configure IPv6 address in major operating systems.

Step 0. Obtain your IPv6 address

  1. Find your server in "My Products" and click in control panel
  2. Click Network Button
  3. You can now see your IPv6 address and gateway, you may add or delete an IPv6 address.

Step 1#1. Configure your IPv6 address in Debian / Ubuntu

a. Edit /etc/network/interfaces

You may use your favourite text editor to open the file. For example VIM.

vim /etc/network/interfaces

Add the following codes to the end, change the part in red.

Please note that the interface name may be ens3, the actual name is shown in existing lines.

iface eth0 inet6 static

address Your_IPv6_Address

netmask 54

gateway Your_IPv6_Gateway

b. Restart network

systemctl restart network.service

Your IPv6 should be working now.

Step 1#2. Configure your IPv6 address in CentOS / Fedora

a. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network

vim /etc/sysconfig/network

Add the following line to the end:


b. Edit intereface file

vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Please note that the interface name may not be eth0, please change it to the actual name.

Add the following lines to the end, please change the red part accordingly:


c. Restart Network

service network restart

Your IPv6 should be working now.

Step 2. Test IPv6 Connection

An easy way is to ping other IPv6 Address.

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