Update 08/07/2017

Network has been stable for 1 week. We now consider the maintenance completed.

If any issue occurs, please contact us.



Update 03/07/2017 18:56

Most ISPs are reachable. We are trying to make the others reachable asap.


Update 03/07/2017 13:08:

The servers were racked and ready for service. We are still waiting for IP announcement to be ready.

伺服器已成功遷移,我們正在等候 IP 生效。

Update 03/07/2017 10:50:

We are powering off the servers for migration.


Update 29/06/2017:

Other VPS are scheduled to be migrated on 03/07/2017 (GMT+8), it is expected to be ended before 16:00 pm. The time is estimated as it may be changed because of traffic congestion, IP re-announcement etc.

其他服務遷移時間爲 HKT 03/07/2017, 預計 16:00 pm 前完成。這個時間是預計的,可能會因為交通擁擠、IP 重新宣告等原因改變。


Update 25/06/2017:

All VPS in node1 and node2 were migrated successfully, please check your inbox for your new IP address.

所有位於 node1 和 node2 的服務已遷移完成,請在您的電郵中查看新 IP。

Update 24/06/2017:

We are now migrating services in node1 and node2, average 30 minutes of downtime is expected. You will receive an Email about your new IP address.

我們正在搬遷 node1 和 node2 的服務,預計平均中斷時間為 30 分鐘,您將會收到一封關於新 IP 的電郵。


We will be migrating the VPS services from HK2 to HK4.

If your servers are located in node1 and node2, you will receive a new IP address. Otherwise your IP will remain unchanged.

A separate email will be sent to you when your servers are about to be migrated.

Please note that HK4 doesn't come with direct China connection, and we do not have plan to add it in near future. If you do not want to migrate, you can please cancel your service and ask for prorated refund.

We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Please contact us if you have any questions.



我們會在近期將 HK2 數據中心的所有 VPS 遷移到 HK4 數據中心。

如果您的服務位於 node1 及 node2,你會收到一個新的IP地址。其他情況您的IP將會保留不變。


請注意: HK4 數據中心沒有中國直連服務,我們在短期內亦沒有增加的計劃。如果閣下不滿意,請取消服務並申請按比例退款。


* The announcement may have been modified without prior notification, please contact us for details.
* 此公告可能不經過通知而有所更改,如果您對此有疑問,請聯絡我們。

Vineri, Iunie 23, 2017

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