
Recenly Softlayer has cancelled direct connection to mainland China, which result in increased latency and packet loss in this area, mainly China Telecom and China Unicom users. After taking with them, it is not possible for them to bring back direct connection in short time. 

Affected Services: VPS and dedicated servers in Mega-I (Hong Kong) and Equinix (Japan) datacenter.

As we have no alternatives in these areas, VPS users who are unhappy with the network performance can request datacenter change (Korea is a good choice for high bandwidth and low latency to China while Shatin comes with lower lantecy but limited bandwidth ) or prorated refund. Please open a ticket if you want to change the datacenter.

VPS users who perfer prorated refund please read refund policy here:

We normally don't change datacenter or refund for dedicated servers, however we can offer solutions on case by case basics. Please also open a ticket to discuss.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Friday, April 8, 2016

<< Geri