Dear Client,

You received this Email because you currently have at least an active VPS service in our Korea datacenter.

We are glad to announce that our network in Korea has been upgraded. The port speed has been increased and traffic price has been cut down.

Below are the improvements on your VPS service.

1. Port speed increased. The current plans with less than 80Mbps uplink (except for unlimited traffic plans) will be increased to 80Mbps.
2. Traffic upgraded. 200GB free traffic will be added to all standard plans (except for special plans). For example, current plans with 100GB traffic, will be upgraded to 300GB. Current plans with 500GB traffic, will be upgraded to 700GB.
3. Traffic price cut down. The traffic price will be cut down from HK$0.36, US$0.05 / GB to HK$0.26, US$0.04 /GB. If you have already purchased additional traffic, please contact us to cut down the recurring price.

These improvements will be done in a week, before Oct 25th. If you find your service has not been upgraded after 25th, please contact us.

We are trying our best to improve our service, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


閣下收到這封電郵是因爲你有正在運行的韓國 VPS 服務。


1. 頻寬升級。原上行限制限制少於80Mbps的(無限流量服務計劃除外),升級至80Mbps。
2. 流量升級。在原服務計劃包含流量的基礎上增加200GB流量(特別服務計劃除外),例如,原服務計劃包含100GB流量的,升級至300GB;原服務計劃包含500GB流量的,升級至700GB。
3. 流量價格從原來的 HK$0.36, CN¥0.28 /GB 降至 HK$0.26, CN¥0.2 /GB,之前購買了額外流量的客戶,可聯絡我們調整價格。





1. 带宽升级。原上行带宽少于80Mbps的(无限流量套餐除外),升级到80Mbps。
2. 流量升级。在原服务计划包含流量的基础上增加200GB流量(特殊套餐除外),例如,原套餐含有100GB流量的,升级至300GB;原套餐含有500GB流量的,升级至700GB。
3. 流量价格从原来的HK$0.36, CN¥0.28 /GB 降到HK$0.26, CN¥0.2 /GB,之前购买了额外流量的客户,可以联系我们调整价格。


dimanche, octobre 25, 2015

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